Edition #012 - Webs and Lines

Edition #012 - Webs and Lines
Members Public

Writing and the Web in the Head [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/writing-and-the-web-in-the-head/] These thoughts were prompted by this piece by Austin Kleon [https://austinkleon.substack.com/p/how-to-make-a-map-of-your-mind]. It is very much not the whole story of "mind maps" and similar techniques - but surveying that

Mind Atelier
Writing and the Web in the Head

Writing and the Web in the Head
Members Public

These thoughts were prompted by this piece by Austin Kleon [https://austinkleon.substack.com/p/how-to-make-a-map-of-your-mind]. It is very much not the whole story of "mind maps" and similar techniques - but surveying that landscape is something for another day. However, as noted in Edition #011 [https://www.

Mind Atelier
Building Blocks
Edition #011 - Layers and Links

Edition #011 - Layers and Links
Members Public

Layers of Thinking [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/layers-of-thinking/] In Edition #010 [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/edition-010-building-blocks/] I mentioned Bülent Duagi [https://twitter.com/Bulent_Duagi]'s post about 18 types of thinking [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bulentduagi_18-ways-of-thinking-activity-6853996595646672896-7ekm] on LinkedIn and said that I

Mind Atelier
Layers of Thinking

Layers of Thinking
Members Public

In Edition #010 [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/edition-010-building-blocks/] I mentioned Bülent Duagi [https://twitter.com/Bulent_Duagi]'s post about 18 types of thinking [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bulentduagi_18-ways-of-thinking-activity-6853996595646672896-7ekm] on LinkedIn and said that I would take it and my own earlier post about mind

Mind Atelier
Building In Public
Edition #010 - Building Blocks

Edition #010 - Building Blocks
Members Public

As we reach the 10th edition, I'd love to hear from you if there are topics you would like to see covered in future. Find me on Twitter or reply to this email! System 1 and System 2 Redux [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/system-1-and-system-2-redux/] Having looked

Mind Atelier
System 1 and System 2 Redux

System 1 and System 2 Redux
Members Public

Having looked at the basics of System 1 and 2 [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/system-1-and-system-2/] last time, it's time to dig into some of the nuances. Both Kahneman himself and the Reasoning book [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/reasoning/] point to some things to consider,

Mind Atelier
Building Blocks
Edition #009 - System 1 & 2

Edition #009 - System 1 & 2
Members Public

In this Edition, we return to some of the directions prompted by the book on Reasoning (Edition #006 [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/edition-006-reasons-and-states/]) with a look at Kahneman's System One and System Two. Our link this week is about being along with your thoughts and the

Mind Atelier
System 1 and System 2

System 1 and System 2
Members Public

This outline of the idea of dual processing is drawn from the book Thinking, Fast and Slow [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Thinking-Fast-Slow-Daniel-Kahneman/dp/0141033576]. The book covers other issues as well, but over half of it relates to the implications of System 1 and System 2 (and of course

Mind Atelier
Building Blocks