Mind Atelier

The Apophenia Challenge

The Apophenia Challenge
Members Public

Apophenia is "the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia]" But I prefer the poetic rendition that this is what enables us to stare up at the clouds and see in them familiar objects floating in the sky. Perhaps I like

Mind Atelier
Building Blocks
Edition #008 - More fatigue, more books

Edition #008 - More fatigue, more books
Members Public

More on Decision Fatigue The short piece in Edition #007 [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/edition-007-fatigue-and-smarts/] prompted a record number of responses from readers. (We'll skate by the fact the correlation with a record number of subscribers, causation is a topic for another day.) Madelyn Postman [https:

Mind Atelier
Books and ebooks

Books and ebooks
Members Public

This piece Why Are Ebooks So Terrible? [https://www.theatlantic.com/books/archive/2021/09/why-are-ebooks-so-terrible/620068/] by Ian Bogost in The Atlantic got me thinking about books and ebooks and how I use them. Books are important to thought. They are not usually an individual tool for thought -

Mind Atelier
Edition #007 - Fatigue and Smarts

Edition #007 - Fatigue and Smarts
Members Public

Decision Fatigue - A Call for Help As hinted at in the previous edition's piece [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/edition-006-reasons-and-states/] on the details of reasoning, any general thinking process contains a number of steps and even ones that nominally don't involve a decision (eg

Mind Atelier
Edition #006 - Reasons and States

Edition #006 - Reasons and States
Members Public

After a relaxing stroll through the world of paper [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/edition-005-on-paper/] last time, this Edition sees us return to the realm of the building blocks of logical thought. We begin with a short tour of a relatively new (2019) book of philosophy essays on Reasoning.

Mind Atelier
Reasoning: New Essays on Theoretical and Practical Thinking - Book Review

Reasoning: New Essays on Theoretical and Practical Thinking - Book Review
Members Public

As with a previous book review [https://www.mindatelier.co.uk/articles/six-secrets-of-intelligence-book-review/] , this is as much an exploration of issues as a straight review. If you are not engaged in philosophy and the subfield of philosophy around "reasoning" then while this book is interesting, I can'

Mind Atelier
book review
Mental Modes or States - A Collection

Mental Modes or States - A Collection
Members Public

This piece is labelled a collection, because it I won't be applying much in the way of categorisation or hierarchy. Some of the elements here might have a lot of overlap, some will undoubtably be "Apples and Oranges" (which is to say, not really the same

Mind Atelier
Building Blocks
Edition #005 - On Paper

Edition #005 - On Paper
Members Public

This week's newsletter is all about paper, it just seemed the time was right. I tweet a lot about digital tools, but I think paper remains important. A Paper Journey I count myself as fortunate because I was born into a family and a generation that gave me

Mind Atelier