Short Articles

The death of theory?

The death of theory?
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This recent article in The Observer is interesting and at the same time I feel it contributes to a bit of a false narrative about the role of "theory" in our thinking lives. Are we witnessing the dawn of post-theory science?Does the advent of machine learning mean

Mind Atelier
Short Articles
System 1 and System 2 Redux

System 1 and System 2 Redux
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Having looked at the basics of System 1 and 2 [] last time, it's time to dig into some of the nuances. Both Kahneman himself and the Reasoning book [] point to some things to consider,

Mind Atelier
Building Blocks
System 1 and System 2

System 1 and System 2
Members Public

This outline of the idea of dual processing is drawn from the book Thinking, Fast and Slow []. The book covers other issues as well, but over half of it relates to the implications of System 1 and System 2 (and of course

Mind Atelier
Building Blocks
Mental Modes or States - A Collection

Mental Modes or States - A Collection
Members Public

This piece is labelled a collection, because it I won't be applying much in the way of categorisation or hierarchy. Some of the elements here might have a lot of overlap, some will undoubtably be "Apples and Oranges" (which is to say, not really the same

Mind Atelier
Building Blocks
Disc-bound Notebooks - Short Review

Disc-bound Notebooks - Short Review
Members Public

One advantage that I didn't expand on in the main article on paper is that a notebook and pen remains a very portable solution for making notes. Digital devices that can record handwriting do exist (e.g. iPad, reMarkable 2) but they are expensive and still not as

Mind Atelier
Artefact Cards - Tools For Thought Review

Artefact Cards - Tools For Thought Review
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Artefact Cards [] are a physical tool for thought created by John Willshire [] in 2012. From the website's description page []: Artefact Cards help you capture, sort and play with your ideas. The process is simple; Create, Connect,

Mind Atelier

Members Public

(The previous post on induction [] can be useful to read first.) Analogy is powerful because it suggests that knowing something about one thing can help us understand something else. While Kant focussed on pairs of relationships (hand - glove; foot - shoe) Aristotle

Mind Atelier
Short Articles

Members Public

(It can help to start with the short piece on deduction [].) Induction is a process we can use to create rules which we might then put to use via deduction. We need it because in a messy world, there are limits to the

Mind Atelier
Short Articles